*sound of champagne bottle breaking* I hereby christen this blog! Prepare to be amused, entertained, or at least slightly less bored!
A little background...at present, I am 26, a new mother to a beautiful baby boy - Samuel Lewis Wheatley, a veteran step-mother to Hannah Alyssa Wheatley (9 yrs old), married to Aaron Lewis Wheatley, and will soon be working at Morristown-Hamblen High School East as a library media specialist. I spent the last 3 years working as LMS at White Pine School, a K-8 school, so this will be quite a major move professionally.
I love to read - a lot - and recently have been spending more time online, particularly on social networking sites ala Facebook and MySpace sharing pictures of my family and whatnot. I'll probably be doing more of the same here, as well as possibly sharing opinions about what I am currently reading.
Speaking of reading - right now I'm reading Brave Story by Miyuki Miyabe. In this winner of the Batchelder Award, Wataru undertakes a quest into the imaginary world of Vision in order to change his destiny. Recently, 11-year-old Wataru's life has fallen apart - his father has suddenly left his mother for a woman he dated long ago, claiming that she is his true love. After his mother attempts to kill herself and Wataru by leaving the gas running in their apartment, Wataru embarks on his quest to Vision to find the Tower of Destiny and convince the Goddess to change his fate. He is not alone on this quest, however. A mysterious boy named Mitsuru, who has recently moved to Wataru's school, is also determined to reach the Tower of Destiny. Mitsuru has somehow become a powerful sorcerer and it seems he will stop at nothing, even destroying the lives of many in Vision, to achieve his goal. I have not yet finished this book, but I would recommend it based on what I have read so far. It is very long - 816 pages, but the plot moves fairly quickly once the boys begin their quests. After a quick Google search, I discovered this novel has also been made into an anime movie in Japan and an RPG available on PSP - although I'm sure the book is better, as is almost always true.